Our commitment
Since the beginning, Sado Emotion has taken a serious and responsible commitment to Nature, and in this way, in addition to making visitors aware of the impact of pollution on marine ecosystems, it has also collaborated in various cleaning actions, awareness-raising actions and conferences that defend the same principles.
Our Commitment
Our Actions
Speakers at the Conference “Brand Setúbal – Nature Tourism and Nautical Tourism” (at the Professional School of Setúbal Foundation)

Dissemination and financing of the CLEANING ACTION (in partnership with Ocean Alive).

Maritime transport of volunteers for the CLEANING ACTION (in partnership with Ocean Alive)

4. Maritime transport of volunteers for the AWARENESS-RAISING WORKSHOP (in partnership with Ocean Alive)

Maritime transport of volunteers for the CLEANING ACTION (in partnership with Ocean Alive)

Speakers at the Conference “VII Seminário de Turismo em Setúbal” (at Lima de Freitas School)

Dissemination and financing of the CLEANING ACTION (in partnership with Ocean Alive).

Maritime transport of volunteers for the CLEANING ACTION (in partnership with Ocean Alive)

24, 25 and 30/10/2019
Maritime transport of volunteers for the CLEANING ACTION (in partnership with Ocean Alive)

Boat tour including the AWARNESS-RAISING “Low Plast” (partnership with Municipality of Setúbal, Setúbal Bay and Associação Portuguesa do Lixo Marinho)

Speakers at the Fórum “O Mar dá bom clima”

Boat and crew at the CLEANING ACTION between Caldeira and Fuzileiros (in partnership with Ocean Alive)

Maritime transport of a team to map the Cabeça Nova seagrass field (in partnership with Ocean Alive)

Maritime transport of the Cabeça Nova seagrass field sponsors, for a visit/reconnaissance of this seagrass field (in partnership with Ocean Alive)

Mariritme transport and suport of a divers team to monitor the seagrass field of Soltróia (in prtnership with Ocean Alive)

Maritime transport and suport of a team for a CLEANING ACTION at the zone of Desmagnetização (in partnership with Ocean Alive)